The first 2 years after my diagnosis, my only problem was that my left foot would slightly drag. I did not mind that at all for it did not cause me any pain and after I quit using high heels, I was able to graciously hide it.
Some 2 years later, my foot was dragging so badly that my doctor prescribed me to walk with a rollator. My friends were a little devastated with the news, but to be sincere, I was very happy because truly, it was getting very hard for me to walk. So, I quickly adapted to the use of the rollator. Since at that time I was still working, I soon got very skilled in folding and unfolding it. My arms, you see, had not yet been affected.
My first rollator was like the one in the picture below.
I happily and proudly used my walker rollator around the office as well as at the house. I even cooked sitting on its seat! Now I would not recommend anybody to do that. Really please DO NOT DO IT!
This went on for some 4 more years, then, I had to quit working but I kept using the walker around the house, did some chores, was able to shower as well as to seat down on and get up from the toilet.
Fast forward 5 more years and I'll have to tell you about the night I fell. It was a very hard and very suddenly fall on my back, and on top of my right foot! This fall -which causes I can not explain-, marks for me a 'before & after' in my life. My husband picked me up from the floor and put me in bed. I had no broken bones, but ever since then, I experienced even more difficulties walking. So I started to use the wheelchair at home, I required help to shower, to seat on and get up from the toilet, and I had to be helped in and out of bed. Still, I was able (with help) to stand up, grab the handles of the rollator and do a couple of rounds around our living and dining area as a manner of 'exercise' until… my husband suffered a serious nervous breakdown. My children came to our rescue and I spent more than a year living 4 or 5 months with each of them.
By then, I could not stand up, nor walk and was wheelchair-bound. AND I had to make use of medical lifts to be put on and off the toilet as well as in a bed.