The ever-present fears of pressure ulcers!
Credit: Science Photo LibraryWheelchair ulcers, bed
ulcers, and other types of ulcers commonly called 'decubitus' ulcers are produced
by excessive pressure on the skin or its tissues. This pressure constrains the
blood vessels that are in charge of carrying blood to the cells, causing the
cells to starve and consequently die. Once the cell dies a lesion is formed. Technically,
this condition is called 'ischemia'. A condition, that should be highly feared
by patients and their caregivers.
Unfortunately, this
problem is frequent in patients that suffer from lack of mobility or even rigidity. Particularly,
persons that cannot change position by themselves or those who have lost
sensibility or the ability to complain.
Although lack of mobility
is usually the main reason patients get sores, there are some other
reasons such as:
* Not being careful to
change position; it is recommended a person be changed position every 3 or 4 hours.
* Not eating an adequate
diet. If the tissues do not get the necessary nutrition, they become fragile.
* Incontinence; it
increments the risk of getting sores because it adds to the humidity factor.
* Lack of hygiene. Sweat,
remainders of urine or excrement, easily burn the skin, especially the
sensitive skin of the disabled or old people.